LGBT Finance was established in 2006 with the aim of creating a work environment at financial services institutions that respects and supports the individuality of LGBT employees, and raises awareness of the issues surrounding the LGBT community. Currently, more than 30 companies in the banking and financial services sectors are on the list of members, and are actively collaborating on common issues. We spoke with four member firms about the history of LGBT Finance and the efforts at their institutions.

三保 友賀 さん(上段左)
ドイツ銀行グループ ディレクター アンド アソシエイト ジェネラル カウンセル
ダイバーシティ & インクルージョン・フォーラム代表
ダイバーシティ & インクルージョン・フォーラム代表として、dbPrideに加え、ジェンダーの平等やファミリーに焦点をあてた他のピラーを統括し、経営から最も必要とされるフォーラムの運営を目指して組織化を計り、年間数十のイベント等を企画・参画しており、CEO (Chief Entertainment Officer – 宴会部長)として知られています。
Tomoka Miho (upper left)
Deutsche Bank Group Director and Associate General Counsel
Diversity & Inclusion Forum Representative
In addition to her role in dbPride, Miho leads the Diversity & Inclusion Forum that underlines management focus on key pillars also including gender equality and family. Responsible for organizing dozens of events per year, Miho is also known as the ‘CEO’ (Chief Entertainment Officer-enkai bucho).
アストン ブリッジマン さん(上段右)
Aston Bridgman (upper right)
JP Morgan Head of Marketing & Communications, Japan
Co-chairman of the firm’s PRIDE network
Bridgman joined JP Morgan in 2019 and is currently co-chair of the firm’s Pride Japan chapter and in addition to his role as head of marketing and communications. He has been an LGBT ally since helping to establish a pride network at his previous firm in 2010, and has been involved since 2018 in the call by the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) for marriage equality in Japan.
赤尾 幸俊 さん(下段左)
2016年10月に日興アセットに入社後、前職シティグループ在籍中の2016年1月に初めて参加したCiti Prideでの体験を生かし、2017年にLGBTワーキンググループを立ち上げて社内での啓蒙活動とLGBTファイナンスを通じた社外でのネットワークを生かした活動を進めてきています。
Yukitoshi Akao (bottom left)
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd., Head of Global Information Technology
LGBT Working Group Joint Lead
After joining Nikko Asset in October 2016, Akao took advantage of his experience at Citigroup where he participated in Citi Pride for the first time in January 2016, to launch the LGBT Working Group at Nikko Asset Management in 2017. The Group carries out in-house educational activities and promotes activities that make use of the industry-wide network offered via LGBT finance.
レイモンド ウォング さん(下段右)
Japan / Asia Pacificダイバーシティ & インクルージョン– Leading Member
PRIDE Team Member Network – International Virtual Chapter Advisor
Raymond Wong (bottom right)
President, Wells Fargo Securities
Japan / Asia Pacific Diversity & Inclusion–Leading Member
PRIDE Team Member Network – International Virtual Chapter Advisor
You can’t do business without diversity and inclusion

Having started as a platform to connect foreign financial institutions, LGBT Finance now also has domestic financial institutions and financial services firms as members. We asked the leaders of LGBT and diversity & inclusion initiatives across the financial industry, why D&I is important.
“D&I is such an important part of our DNA that you cannot do business without it. Deutsche Bank Group believes that if an employee can be himself/herself to work to perform his/her full capabilities, every employee will be more fulfilled,” explains Tomoka Miho.
Yukitoshi Akao adds, “Nikko Asset Management regards D&I as part of its CSR and sustainability activities, and aims to improve understanding of diversity and create a more comfortable working environment. We believe that D&I is an important factor not only in pursuing profits and growth as a company, but also in preserving the global environment and in creating a sustainable society.”
In relation to J.P. Morgan’s efforts to promote Diversity and Inclusion, Aston Bridgman explains, “the firm has established business resource groups, a network of employees who voluntarily take initiatives and promote D&I, fully supported by the management. We see it as important to offer a career path based on merit and mutual respect.”
Raymond Wong comments, “Being head-quartered in San Francisco, it is our identity at Wells Fargo to support D&I and LGBT, and we are highly committed to social issues.” He also mentions the firm’s external collaborations, “We are in a position to proactively seek out what we can do, not only with our colleagues, but also with our customers in the D&I space.”
Creating an LGBT-friendly workplace through policies and culture-setting

LGBTへの先駆的な取り組みを進めてきたLGBT ファイナンス。参加する各社が行う制度や施策について伺いました。各社ともに同性カップルへの福利厚生を基盤に、既存制度のフレキシブルな運用などを通じ、よりきめ細やかに働きやすい職場づくりに取り組んでいます。
LGBT Finance has been pioneering LGBT initiatives. We asked about the systems and initiatives implemented by each participating company. Each company has been working to create an LGBT-friendly workplace by adopting benefits and welfare programs for same-sex couples, and extending its existing framework to be flexible and elaborate to meet the individual needs of LGBT employees.
First, we asked about their internal policies and benefits and welfare programs.
「日興アセットマネジメントは差別をなくし、全ての社員を支援する多様性に富んだ職場を作っていくことを目標に、社内規定の改定に加え、同性カップルに対し婚姻と同様の福利厚生を整えました。このような取り組みの結果、昨年、LGBT に関する取り組みを評価する「PRIDE 指標 2019」において最高評価の「ゴールド」を受賞することができました」と、赤尾さん。
“At Nikko Asset Management, with an aim to eliminating discrimination and creating a diverse workplace that supports all employees, we have changed our internal policies and also we have extended our benefits and welfare programs to same-sex couples. It was as a result of these efforts that we were able to receive the highest rating of ‘Gold’ in last year’s ‘PRIDE Index 2019’ that evaluates LGBT initiatives,” says Akao.
By way of an example of including same-sex partners through the flexible arrangement of its existing HR system, Wong mentions, “At Wells Fargo our ‘Family Care Leave’ system applies to same sex partners, whereby an employee may take a leave other than paid one when something happens to his/her family member.”
It is a big challenge for a global company to ensure employees’ safety when s/he is relocating because each country differs in what it enables companies to offer to a LGBT employee. “When an LGBT employee relocated to another country, our HR offered some flexible arrangements in response to his/her requests. Lawyers in the Legal Department worked together on a pro bono basis to research the social and regulatory infrastructure in various countries relating to LGBT and share the results, resulting in better HR systems and a greater awareness amongst employees,” explains Miho.
次に、文化醸成や職員ネットワーク構築についての制定について伺いました。LGBT ファイナンスに参加する企業の多くは、LGBTやアライの社員ネットワークがあり、社員が中心となり職場の理解促進や風土作りに取り組みます。
Next, we asked about fostering inclusive culture and employee networks. Many of the companies that participate in LGBT Finance have LGBT and ally networks of employees, which play a central role in promoting the understanding of LGBT in the workplace and creating a corporate culture.

“JP Morgan launched its PRIDE Japan chapter to support LGBT employees four years ago and is one of the 34 established in countries around the world,” says Bridgman. “We regularly organize events and have specific discussions with our HR and business leaders to solve workplace issues. Through regular communications with the overseas Pride networks, we are highly committed to this initiative. “
Starting with LGBT, expanding to broader Diversity & Inclusion
Members of LGBT Finance have actively and concretely worked toward creating a comfortable workplace for LGBT individuals. They also promote collaboration with other D&I initiatives such as disabilities and gender to be successful.
“J.P. Morgan also has employee networks advocating for women and people with disabilities, in addition to our network to support LGBT colleagues. We’re a firm where employees themselves advocate for diversity and so we work together to ensure an inclusive environment for all,” says Bridgman.
“As well as supporting LGBT employees, we have been also working to support people with disabilities and to empower women,” says Nikko Asset Management’s Akao. “In our support for people with disabilities, we have a track record of hiring wheelchair athletes and, since 2015, we are an official partner of the Japan Wheelchair Rugby Federation,” he adds, emphasizing the importance of promoting D&I through collaboration that transcends themes.
Miho mentions the significance of working through a network, not only within an organisation, saying, “Foreign-affiliated banks and securities companies are characterized by having a very strong overseas networks. We work with our overseas offices, and have formed a strong network to collaborate on many more initiatives.”
As a sign of progress for D&I in the industry, Wong says “In my business role, I often talk to senior management at Japanese financial institutions, and I think the industry as a whole is heading in the right direction to be able to talk about D&I.”
Aiming for “a society that doesn’t need these activities”

Now that more than ten years have passed since its launch, we asked about the strengths of LGBT Finance, its goals and its accomplishments.
“I want to do this to the point where, ideally, such activities are no longer necessary. Having been involved for more than 10 years, I feel LGBT activities are still growing,” says Bridgman.
“What is unique with LGBT Finance is that we talk together about social issues, despite there being corporate boundaries amongst us as we are competitors,” Wong explains. “While it has a very serious aspect, it is also a community where each participant enjoys gathering and connecting with one-another, and that is the strength of LGBT Finance. That has been a reason why we were together for such a long time, and I think that LGBT Finance will continue to a point where this activity is no longer required.”
Companies participating in LGBT Finance continue to educate and take action not only in the workplace but also in the communities in Japan to make it a comfortable place for LGBT people to work and live.
“As a medium term goal, we place a great importance on legalizing same-sex marriage, and are supporting advocacy for same-sex marriage legislation as well as building awareness through internal activities,” says Miho. “A long-term goal is, on the other hand, like an endless journey, eliminating discrimination as a social issue and eliminating the need for these activities,” she asserts.
It is important to meet and respect others who are different from you
In some final words from the interviewees, we heard encouragement for being yourself at work, to be curious, to ask questions and to respect oneself and others – all simple yet fundamental principles of D&I.
“First of all, have the courage to ask a question. Don’t be afraid to take the first step to get involved, and I think you’ll find synergy,” advises Wong.
Miho points out the importance of curiosity and continuing to learn. “Value your passion to learn. Take an opportunity to meet people who may have various ideas, and acquire knowledge to make good use of in your future career.”
As a message for those considering the finance sector, Bridgman says. “If you can’t be yourself in a career that lasts for decades, you’ll be stressed, so look for an environment where you can realize your aspirations. The financial industry offers a supportive environment.”
“I think being yourself at work means to respect yourself who is different from others. You can respect others when you can take good care of yourself. Then, when you respect others, the teamwork will be forged in order to pursue common business objectives. Don’t forget that everyone is a minority in some part and in some way, and you will become an employee that is an indispensable asset, “says Akao.
We are very grateful that they shared with us their thoughts that could have a great application as guidelines for us to pursue our journey in this society going forward.